Smile Design
In today’s dentistry, the aesthetic expectations of our patients increase every day. Although the concepts of aesthetic and cosmetic are an inseparable dual, the term cosmetic is identified as covering the defects and deficiencies superficially, while the term aesthetic is identified as what apperas pleasant.

In today’s dentistry, the aesthetic expectations of our patients increase every day. Although the concepts of aesthetic and cosmetic are an inseparable dual, the term cosmetic is identified as covering the defects and deficiencies superficially, while the term aesthetic is identified as what apperas pleasant. When the aesthetic integrates with the concepts of naturalism, realism, biological compatibility and reliability, satisfactory results occur for us, the dentists, and our patients.
Every individual has a unique style. Our clothing, hair style, make-up, participation in sports activities, and even the car we drive reflect our style which is our choice, to our all environment. What about our smile? The positive effects of a beautiful smile and an aesthetic sequence of teeth on our style and self-confidence are indisputable. Of course, there are genetically luckier or less lucky ones in this regard.
The primary problems we encounter most are the disorders in the interrelations of teeth, irregularities (crowding), discoloration, and the excessive appearance of the gums when smiling, which is called the gummy smile. Today, the aesthetic dentistry offers effective treatment alternatives in all of these problems, and highly satisfactory results are obtained. First, you have to consider that you need such a treatment and denote your expectations clearly to your dentist. The first examination is very important indeed. Report your problems with your teeth and and the aesthetic results you expect from the treatment to your dentist clearly, and remember that a good communication is the first step of a treatment that will make you happy. Your dentist should agree with you about that you really need such a treatment. We make analyses such as facial analysis, the relation of the teeth with the face, the relation of the teeth with the lips, the relation of the teeth with the gums, the teeth analysis and colour analysis, in order to achieve aesthetic results from the restorations we will apply to our patients. Following these analyses, we decide on what kinds of processes should be done on the gums and dental tissues to improve the aesthetic appearance, and inform our patients about it.
Today with a highly developed digital technology, it is possible to make treatment planning by using digital cameras and digital imaging techniques. Thanks to these techniques, we can design in computer environment the aesthetic restorations we plan, before starting the treatment. In addition, seeing the structures that limit us physically by working on the aesthetic restorations designed in the digital environment, with waxing technique on the models we will prepare before the treatment, and sharing these with our patients ensure both that the treatment outcome is more positive, and we provide the correct answers to our patients’ expectations.